Yellow Footed Antechinus video samples
The Yellow footed Antechinus is an open forest dweller and prefers areas like red gum tree forests, where the temperature is warmer.
They are excellent tree climbers and take their time when hunting for insects. They are also one of the more colourful Antechinus.
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01 Yellow Foot hides from danger Duration 9 seconds
The Yellow Footed Antechinus will freeze and stay hidden when a predator is near.
02 Yellow Foot enjoying the winter sun Duration 7 sec
A female Yellow Footed Antechinus enjoying the morning sun.
03 Yellow Foot resting Duration 9 seconds
A female Yellow Footed Antechinus takes some time out from hunting insects and watches the world go by.
04 Yellow Foot watching Duration 8 seconds
A female Yellow Footed Antechinus watches to see if it is safe her to leave the nesting hollow.
05 Yellow Foot looking for insects Duration 8 seconds
A Yellow Footed Antechinus is searching for insects amongst the tree stumps..
06 Yellow Foot searching for insects Duration 7 seconds
A Yellow Footed Antechinus female is spooked by birds flying overhead.